

The Maths Wasn’t Mathing

Contrary to popular belief, I didn’t emerge from the womb knowing how to price perfectly. In fact, little 20 year old Maddi, who maxed out her credit card to pay for her training, had a pretty dreadful money mindset. 

I’d grown up in the North East, in a ‘broken home’ where money was scarce, and my clothes and toys were often hand-me-downs from my sister (who FYI, is 10 years older, so lots of 80’s shell suits and My Little Ponies that had seen better days).

There were ever-present money s…

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Is it a disadvantage, or your magic?

As someone who specialises in pricing, I wish I had a quid for every time someone said to me, ‘Maddi, I’d love to charge more but…’ and then they add some perceived reason that they need to stay cheap. 

Things like: 

  • ‘I’ve only been doing nails for a year’
  • ‘I just work from home, I don’t have a fancy salon’
  • ‘I’m only mobile, so people expect me to charge less’

Have you ever thought of any of these? Or maybe you have your own ending for that sentence. If you have, I’d love for you …

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Should You Give Friends and Family Discounts?

We've all been there, faced with the dilemma: do I give a discount for friends and family? While it may seem like a good deed to hook up our loved ones, let's dig into why offering discounts might not be the best move for your biz. Join me as I spill the tea on why it's important to tread lightly, when it comes to slashing prices for your nearest and dearest.

First of all, the model in our industry is trading time for money. There are only so many hours in a day, and doing hair, nails or beau…

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Stop Sharing Your Overheads

I’ve seen a trend in a particular type of content recently, and I wanted to unpack it with you, from the perspective of a pricing expert who, trust me, has heard it all when it comes to pricing, positioning, and value-articulation.

The point of this content is to share the nuts and bolts of what goes into a nail service price. Sometimes it’s a comparison chart. E.g. ‘what you see’ vs ‘what you don’t see’, where the client ‘sees’ a gorgeous set of nails with jazzy art, but they ‘don’t see’ the…

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Sometimes your vision runs ahead of schedule

I was looking through my 5847438 Google Docs the other week, when I came across something I'd written back in April 2022. I was on one of my retreats, where me and my besties go away to the Lakes to work on our businesses and get our heads out of the day-to-day.

We always start our trip with a reflection on what we've done since the last trip, and then we each write a sort of 'vision statement'. Think of it like a vision board, but instead of Pinterest or cutting and sticking from magazines, …

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How to Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs

Entrepreneurship isn’t for the faint-hearted. It takes a rock-solid mindset and the ability to navigate through challenges and obstacles. A lot of hair and beauty Bosses struggle to achieve their goals and keep playing small, due to limiting beliefs that hold them back from taking risks and pursuing their goals. 

These pesky beliefs are often deeply ingrained, feeling almost automatic or beyond your control. So I wanted to explore the importance of challenging your limiting beliefs as a beaut…

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Taking Radical Responsibility

To quote the great Taylor Swift, ‘It’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me’.

I often get asked my views on the state of the hair and beauty industry, and it’s often in the form of someone pointing the blame, and trying to get my agreement, or backup, as an expert.

The usual suspects are: other professionals charging ‘too little’, and therefore ‘devaluing the industry’, the rise of self-employed people who are working mobile and from home, and so their lower overheads are making it harder for t…

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Why You Need A Booking System in Your Salon Business


Still lugging around your paper diary? Read on to see why it's time to make the switch...

I get it, setting up a booking system seems like a pretty daunting task... you might be asking yourself questions like:

How long will it take? 
What if I'm not 'techie' enough? 
What if my clients book the wrong thing in?
What if I lose my phone/computer?
What if it's too complicated?
Will my staff have control of/access to my client's details?

And so on!

Anyone who's been a member of my Fa…

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Imposter Syndrome - What is it and how do we overcome it?


I posted a poll onto my Instagram stories recently, asking my followers if they suffer from imposter syndrome and this was the result:


I had so many messages from Bosses telling me that they feel like a fraud, are crippled by perfectionism and find themselves constantly comparing themselves and their work to other people online.  

You can see in the story above what the characteristics are of imposter syndrome, do any of them resonate with you?

What Imposter Syndrome Looks Like:


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Turnover, Profit & Cashflow


Understanding your salon numbers...

Like the saying goes, "Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity, cash flow is king"...

A lot of salon owners (and business owners in general), will talk in terms of turnover. Turnover is what I would call a 'vanity metric', meaning it's something that sounds good but doesn't really say a lot about a business! Cashflow is all about what's left in the business after your outgoings, making it the most important metric of all.

Let's take a look at a couple of example…

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